When an otherworldly substance with amazing cloning properties falls into the hands of the evil criminal mastermind, Captain Maximum, only the extreme powers of the Italian Spiderman can save the world.
David Ashby (Acting)
Chris Asimos (Acting)
Susanna Dekker (Acting)
Aldo Mignone (Acting)
Matt Crook (Acting)
7 December 2006
13 August 2024
13 March 2008
15 July 2010
23 September 1994
25 April 2001
14 March 1972
11 June 1993
5 June 2014
19 April 1977
10 September 1994
15 October 1999
18 December 2001
25 May 1979
3 June 1987
19 March 1959
9 November 1984
1 November 2013
16 February 1957
20 July 2001
8 November 2007