Darren Mullet, a bullied asthmatic, is driven to suicide by his tormented life - ignored by his parents, ridiculed by his teachers and bullied at school. He returns from the dead to pay his teenage tormentors a final visit.
Alex Pettyfer (Acting)
April Pearson (Acting)
Dimitri Leonidas (Acting)
Calvin A. Dean (Acting)
Tuppence Middleton (Acting)
Georgia King (Acting)
Mary Nighy (Directing)
Olly Alexander (Acting)
Ben Lloyd-Hughes (Acting)
James Floyd (Acting)
Sophie Wu (Acting)
Hugh Mitchell (Acting)
Larissa Wilson (Acting)
Ruby Bentall (Acting)
Tom Hopper (Acting)
Geoff Bell (Acting)
Roger Ashton-Griffiths (Acting)
Sandra Dickinson (Acting)
Kenneth Collard (Acting)
12 February 2006
12 May 2005
1 December 2012
7 April 2009
28 May 2010
27 November 2015
24 August 2018
15 June 2007
11 April 1996
21 August 2002
26 August 2005
15 August 2008
17 August 2011
7 August 2013
6 March 1998
3 August 2022
23 September 1994
22 May 2024
30 May 2019
28 December 2022
22 May 2009