A teenage boy plays truant from school, and spends the day riding around the town and the deserted beach on his bicycle, letting his mind wander as he imagines he is the only person in the world...
Tony Scott (Directing)
Elizabeth Jean Scott (Acting)
13 August 1992
15 June 1902
5 May 1965
28 November 2022
17 October 2006
28 September 2019
10 April 1957
14 March 1972
25 May 1979
22 November 1989
8 March 1996
17 December 2004
23 June 1994
10 September 1994
3 July 1985
22 June 1988
15 December 1993
5 October 2001
1 October 2019
9 February 1976
1 January 1965