Irène is a beautiful girl working in Paris, she soon meets a manager and hopes a love story with him. But he tells a lie, so she falls in love with a house painter.
Cécile de France (Acting)
Bruno Putzulu (Acting)
Olivier Sitruk (Acting)
Patrick Chesnais (Acting)
Estelle Larrivaz (Acting)
Agathe de La Boulaye (Acting)
Michel Scotto di Carlo (Acting)
Valérie Moreau (Acting)
Evelyne Buyle (Acting)
Gérard Chaillou (Acting)
Didier Brice (Acting)
Vincent Byrd Le Sage (Acting)
Stéphane Cabel (Writing)
Samuel Matthieu (Acting)
Vincent de Boüard (Acting)
Marie Réache (Acting)
4 December 2019
6 October 1982
10 November 2011
6 June 2016
17 June 1998
3 October 2019
10 September 1986
21 August 1988
28 February 2018
10 September 2016
13 September 2018
7 March 2002
18 August 2011
17 January 2019
29 October 2010
26 June 2015
2 November 2018
30 November 2018
14 May 2015
26 June 2002