Julia, a governess, comes to work for a bourgeois family that lives in a forested property they have recently bought. Julia is to take care of a little girl named Silvia, whose unusual demeanor may find its roots in the family garden.
Marga López (Acting)
Joaquín Cordero (Acting)
Norma Lazareno (Acting)
Aldo Monti (Acting)
Ada Carrasco (Acting)
Lilia Castillo (Acting)
Manuel Dondé (Acting)
Eduardo MacGregor (Acting)
18 October 2019
1 November 2013
20 April 2001
3 March 1945
2 November 2017
16 October 1923
7 April 2016
1 November 2018
22 December 2006
20 December 2008
16 May 2019
14 October 1988
10 October 1991
13 April 2018
5 October 2018
29 November 1975
1 January 2009
21 September 2017
26 October 2017
10 October 2011
18 July 1969