Hornblower and the other officers of the Renown must return to Jamaica to face a court-martial and possible execution for their actions in relieving their unstable captain.
Ioan Gruffudd (Acting)
David Warner (Acting)
Robert Lindsay (Acting)
Nicholas Jones (Acting)
Paul McGann (Acting)
Jamie Bamber (Acting)
Philip Glenister (Acting)
Sean Gilder (Acting)
John Castle (Acting)
Ian McElhinney (Acting)
David Rintoul (Acting)
Paul Copley (Acting)
30 March 1985
23 September 1969
2 January 1979
3 October 2016
27 November 1990
23 November 1986
27 April 1996
26 February 1996
20 May 2003
8 December 2007
24 January 1990
3 November 1985
10 November 2015
5 January 1992
28 September 1997
1 January 1979
3 November 1996
1 September 1955
22 June 2001
14 January 1990
15 April 2001