Cold, white mist. Clanking pipes. And an eerie voice that's coming from the drain. Is the school bathroom... haunted? Ivy and Bean are on the case!
Keslee Blalock (Acting)
Madison Skye Validum (Acting)
Lidya Jewett (Acting)
Nia Vardalos (Acting)
Garfield Wilson (Acting)
Marci T. House (Acting)
Jaycie Dotin (Acting)
Innocent Ekakitie (Acting)
Mia SwamiNathan (Acting)
Ava Marchfelder (Acting)
Roman Pesino (Acting)
Jesse Gervasi (Acting)
Sasha Pieterse (Acting)
Jane Lynch (Acting)
14 October 2020
29 July 2008
14 April 2023
6 June 2001
5 February 1960
10 December 2004
19 July 2017
17 August 2018
4 June 1998
23 September 1988
3 November 1976
8 July 2007
1 August 2013
13 December 2019
20 October 2017
21 May 1999
6 December 2002
4 May 2000
31 July 1987
17 May 2016
2 September 2022