The evolution of the depiction of the various Native American peoples in cinema, from the silent era to the present day: how their image on the screen has changed the way to understand their history and culture.
Adam Beach (Acting)
Clint Eastwood (Acting)
Chris Eyre (Directing)
Graham Greene (Acting)
Charlie Hill (Acting)
Jim Jarmusch (Directing)
Zacharias Kunuk (Directing)
Sacheen Littlefeather (Acting)
Russell Means (Acting)
Robbie Robertson (Sound)
Wes Studi (Acting)
John Trudell (Acting)
8 March 2008
26 June 1998
7 January 2016
30 May 2017
8 January 2014
1 January 1985
8 February 2019
7 September 2023
3 December 2018
16 October 2015
31 March 1980
4 January 2019
19 June 2018
19 June 1953
27 July 2017
17 August 2017
28 May 2014
28 November 2018
6 June 1977
19 February 2010