When the vaccinated Jeff is exposed to both his wife and son while they are infected , it leads him to ask "Is COVID here to stay?" and "Can we ever get back to normal?" In this sequel to the award winning "I Think He'll Be Alright."
Jeffrey Scott Richards (Directing)
Jenny Rebekah Richards (Directing)
Luis Da Silva, Jr. (Acting)
25 December 2021
17 September 2020
16 November 2010
6 June 2011
20 August 1981
13 July 2006
18 May 2000
27 September 2010
1 March 2013
28 April 2016
23 January 1955
1 June 1945
7 April 2016
10 August 1973
15 October 2006
7 July 2011
12 December 1971
25 April 2022