An unhinged office worker who planned to go on a shooting spree at his workplace struggles with his newfound status as a hero after he ends up stopping a shooting spree instead.
Christian Slater (Acting)
Elisha Cuthbert (Acting)
William H. Macy (Acting)
Sascha Knopf (Acting)
John Gulager (Directing)
Jamison Jones (Acting)
Michael DeLuise (Acting)
Anzu Lawson (Acting)
David Wells (Acting)
Sewell Whitney (Acting)
Randolph Mantooth (Acting)
Frankie Thorn (Acting)
Tina D'Marco (Acting)
Livia Treviño (Acting)
Greg Baker (Acting)
Maggie Wagner (Acting)
Courtney Balaker (Production)
12 February 1993
5 October 1973
31 August 2017
3 December 1998
11 June 2015
25 November 1987
11 February 1999
13 February 2013
10 July 2010
2 September 1994
14 September 2020
8 November 2012
30 January 2019
17 July 2008
25 December 2005
27 October 2004
26 November 1986
5 June 1983
21 February 2003
14 March 2008
23 November 2007