God sends the archangel, Eden, to Earth where she is placed with people who are about to make a life decision that could negatively impact them and others around them. Will Eden be able to help, or will her brother Lucifer get in the way?
Karen Abercrombie (Acting)
Cameron Arnett (Acting)
Pat Dortch (Acting)
Keon Rahzeem Mitchell (Acting)
Kevin J. O'Connor (Acting)
Brian Lafontaine (Acting)
Candace Kirkpatrick (Acting)
4 June 1998
17 October 2006
15 December 1993
22 November 1989
10 April 1957
23 September 1994
23 June 1994
10 September 1994
19 July 2023
3 July 1985
14 March 1972
22 September 1995
25 May 1979
28 September 2019
31 March 1999
12 September 1990
27 October 2017
9 December 1983
4 May 2000
25 December 2013
4 October 2022