A respected chef from a lineage of sushi makers attempts to connect with his son through the shared knowledge of the family trade. Tensions arise as he begins to notice a strange pattern of behavior in the young boy.
Yume Nanbu (Acting)
Yumi Narita (Acting)
22 June 2001
13 March 2006
30 August 2011
29 November 2013
1 January 2001
12 April 2007
20 May 2004
10 April 2009
20 May 1994
11 August 2011
1 February 2006
12 December 2016
26 May 2014
30 July 1931
10 September 2003
10 November 2009
5 December 2006
23 June 1988
8 February 2005
14 September 2010
19 October 2022