Documentary from French TV channel Canal+ about Marion Cotillard's road to the Oscar for her performance as French singer Édith Piaf in the 2007 film 'La Vie en Rose', also featuring behind-the-scenes footage from the film.
Marion Cotillard (Acting)
Didier Lavergne (Costume & Make-Up)
Caroline Raynaud (Acting)
Olivier Dahan (Directing)
Jeanne Mas (Acting)
Sharon Stone (Acting)
Val Kilmer (Acting)
Jean-Paul Gaultier (Costume & Make-Up)
Guillaume Cotillard (Directing)
John Nollet (Costume & Make-Up)
Christophe Danchaud (Costume & Make-Up)
Jean-Claude Cotillard (Acting)
Quentin Cotillard (Acting)
Niseema Theillaud (Acting)
Tetsuo Nagata (Camera)
Guillaume Canet (Acting)
Paulina Němcová (Acting)
Alain Delon (Acting)
Larry King (Acting)
Katherine Heigl (Acting)
Forest Whitaker (Acting)
Cate Blanchett (Acting)
Elliot Page (Acting)
Julie Christie (Acting)
Laura Linney (Acting)
15 June 2018
27 February 1945
1 January 2021
24 February 1960
1 February 2024
1 April 1965
11 July 2016
29 September 1941
31 March 2006
18 March 1917
31 December 2021
26 September 2012
26 July 2011
14 May 2014
5 August 2018
1 May 1960
23 October 1953
14 May 2010
12 November 1975
14 March 2008