Patients and those working in an isolated mental hospitals are murdered, one by one, by a madman lurking in the corridors
William Berger (Acting)
Françoise Prévost (Acting)
Mary Young (Acting)
Barbara Wilson (Acting)
Philippe Hersent (Acting)
Harriet Medin (Acting)
Germano Longo (Acting)
Massimo Righi (Acting)
Delfi Mauro (Acting)
Anna Maria Polani (Acting)
Rossella Bergamonti (Acting)
16 April 1953
15 June 1996
18 May 2007
11 April 2003
31 March 1933
22 October 2010
1 April 1960
11 February 2004
8 October 1994
18 May 2010
11 June 2004
16 July 2010
20 December 1973
13 April 2001
27 October 2017
27 July 1994
18 June 2013
3 August 2013
30 June 2006
15 October 2012
17 March 1966