Godard returned to Paris briefly before getting a job as a construction worker on a dam project in Switzerland. With the money from the job, he made a short film about the building of the dam called Opération béton (Operation Concrete).
Jean-Luc Godard (Directing)
3 June 1959
26 February 1955
1 January 1992
23 September 2021
30 May 2019
29 July 1989
3 October 2018
29 January 2021
22 May 2019
28 February 1998
14 January 1938
15 April 2016
7 February 1980
19 July 2023
28 July 2017
23 September 2005
1 December 1993
1 June 2016
20 November 2020
21 August 2014
2 July 1958