Two dancers, once lovers, now go about their separate lives. Giovanni can't help reliving his first love via a collection of home videos. Louise, now a director, is projecting her bad memories on her production of Romeo and Juliet.
Giovanni Bucchieri (Directing)
Louise Peterhoff (Acting)
Emma Veronica Johansson (Acting)
Karin Franz Körlof (Acting)
Stina Ekblad (Acting)
Gerhard Hoberstorfer (Acting)
Lia Boysen (Acting)
Karin Bertling (Acting)
Jonathan Sand (Acting)
6 June 2011
29 June 2012
28 November 2015
12 April 2012
28 July 2012
28 January 2020
7 March 1992
7 July 2015
21 March 2024
4 August 1937
5 December 2006
20 February 2018
5 December 2020
20 July 1966
19 June 2016
28 May 2004
2 February 2002
1 December 2023