Martin, a child of nine years, is the one in charge in a class during the teacher’s absence. He has to write down at the blackboard the name of the students who talk. It seems an easy task ... until the bully of the class starts to speak.
Enrique Villén (Acting)
Íñigo Navares (Acting)
17 February 2006
9 October 2021
16 November 2010
1 August 2003
7 October 1961
21 June 2015
1 January 1978
16 June 2010
15 January 2017
28 January 2015
6 November 2014
31 December 1932
19 August 2021
7 January 1938
17 November 2010
14 October 2020
6 June 2011
11 November 2004
8 March 2008