Two brothers, both of whom are warlocks, use their powers and covens of witches to battle over the family fortune.
John Carradine (Acting)
Lon Chaney Jr. (Acting)
Tom Drake (Acting)
Dolores Faith (Acting)
Andrea King (Acting)
Jerome Thor (Acting)
Sherwood Keith (Acting)
Katherine Victor (Acting)
Sabrina (Acting)
1 January 1983
22 December 1983
3 October 1982
12 December 2000
29 June 1972
1 October 1993
17 November 2000
10 March 1982
24 December 1988
6 April 2008
29 October 2007
1 January 1989
19 January 1972
1 June 2013
20 May 1971
21 January 2019
18 June 2022
30 April 2002
17 July 2009
19 June 1997
1 January 1965