The story of an imaginative boy who pretends he is the child of a sperm-laden Sicilian tomato upon which his mother accidentally fell.
Gilbert Sicotte (Acting)
Maxime Collin (Acting)
Ginette Reno (Acting)
Julien Guiomar (Acting)
Giuditta Del Vecchio (Acting)
Andrée Lachapelle (Acting)
Denys Arcand (Directing)
Germain Houde (Acting)
Yves Montmarquette (Acting)
Lorne Brass (Acting)
Pierre Bourgault (Acting)
Marie-Hélène Montpetit (Acting)
Aron Tager (Acting)
Cat Lemieux (Acting)
27 July 2001
27 May 1966
9 August 1968
18 January 1970
9 February 1981
8 September 2011
29 May 2020
16 March 1972
16 October 2013
21 June 2014
13 February 1987
29 October 2004
14 August 1975
24 August 2018
14 September 1994
15 December 2009
5 November 2014
15 September 2021
19 July 2023
1 October 2019
16 September 1992