A group of outcasts are sent to a remote location where they become the first of mankind to develop telepathy. There, they will use their ability to make contact with a mysterious person who intends to evolve humanity.
Kirby Ellwood (Acting)
Les Best (Acting)
1 February 2006
28 January 1987
2 August 2014
15 June 2017
12 April 1989
8 October 2016
21 May 1958
17 September 2004
20 November 2013
5 February 1976
28 May 2014
15 January 2017
9 November 1990
22 December 2000
30 June 2013
24 November 1993
9 October 2008
22 April 1988
5 September 2016
19 August 2022