A man sees the dark side of the time-manipulating biotech company he works for when a crushing debt forces his wife to give up 40 years of her own life.
Kostja Ullmann (Acting)
Corinna Kirchhoff (Acting)
Marlene Tanczik (Acting)
Iris Berben (Acting)
Lisa-Marie Koroll (Acting)
Lorna Ishema (Acting)
Alina Levshin (Acting)
Numan Acar (Acting)
Lisa Loven Kongsli (Acting)
Cornelia Heyse (Acting)
Lukas von Horbatschewsky (Acting)
Alida Bohnen (Acting)
Haley Louise Jones (Acting)
Matthias Ziesing (Acting)
Eglė Lekstutytė (Acting)
Lucas Lynggaard Tønnesen (Acting)
Dalila Abdallah (Acting)
Aleyna Cara (Acting)
Cynthia Cosima (Acting)
Aistė Diržiūtė (Acting)
Clovis Kasanda (Acting)
Žemyna Ašmontaitė (Acting)
Gizem Emre (Acting)
Diana Birenytė (Acting)
3 July 1991
18 July 1986
23 February 2006
2 August 2022
24 March 2021
26 October 1984
31 May 2018
17 July 1987
22 August 2020
6 December 2002
27 October 2011
26 September 2012
22 November 2006
18 February 2000
14 January 2010
15 January 2008
2 September 2013
2 July 2003
12 October 2017
2 August 2012
24 June 2023