During 1979 at the height of the Iran Hostage crisis, Babak goes on a trip to meet his fiancé’s parents and ends up confronting the realities of what it means to be an Iranian immigrant in a patriotic post-Vietnam America.
Behtash Fazlali (Acting)
Oriana Leman (Acting)
Nima Gholamipour (Acting)
Birgitte Solem (Acting)
John Ralston (Acting)
Kiera Osborne (Acting)
16 February 2023
27 September 2017
19 February 1968
16 June 1966
16 August 2021
5 July 2012
1 September 2017
14 December 1961
20 December 1996
31 December 2009
8 October 2018
15 January 1974
6 April 2017
24 February 2020
5 June 1955
26 August 2011
4 June 1969
10 January 2019
17 July 2002
23 July 2004
7 September 2023