A hapless carnival performer masquerades as the court jester as part of a plot against a usurper who has overthrown the rightful king of England.
Danny Kaye (Acting)
Glynis Johns (Acting)
Basil Rathbone (Acting)
Angela Lansbury (Acting)
Cecil Parker (Acting)
Mildred Natwick (Acting)
Robert Middleton (Acting)
Michael Pate (Acting)
Herbert Rudley (Acting)
Noel Drayton (Acting)
John Carradine (Acting)
Edward Ashley (Acting)
Alan Napier (Acting)
Patrick Aherne (Acting)
23 May 2021
2 February 1987
3 January 1962
16 December 2019
29 July 1965
10 November 1942
14 January 1958
29 September 1966
3 June 2010
24 February 1994
28 May 1967
1 May 1945
20 April 2018
22 May 1936
1 June 1980
1 December 2006
10 November 1961
1 January 1992
1 January 1995
30 December 1986
24 December 1955