A man wanders down a corridor and as he appears into each room that he passes by he becomes witness to acts of unbelievable cruelty as people are viciously and brutally tortured and murdered. Is it real or is it a nightmare?
11 October 1974
17 October 2006
23 September 1994
10 September 1994
28 September 2019
19 July 2023
25 May 1979
9 February 1976
4 October 2017
5 November 2014
14 March 1972
30 May 2019
10 April 1957
15 July 2010
9 December 1983
22 September 1995
23 June 1994
1 November 2006
3 October 2018
9 February 2016
1 January 2010