An abused runaway with pyromaniac tendencies teams up with a metal sculptor. Together they blow away the art world and a local crime boss.
Brendan Fletcher (Acting)
Ike Gingrich (Acting)
Honey Lauren (Acting)
Adrienne Frantz (Acting)
John Billingsley (Acting)
Chris Mulkey (Acting)
Kim Dawson (Acting)
Robert Gossett (Acting)
Cristos (Acting)
John Snyder (Acting)
James Russo (Acting)
Floyd Van Buskirk (Acting)
Susannah Devereux (Acting)
Zia Harris (Acting)
12 December 2016
30 March 2017
16 December 1986
26 May 2014
10 May 2024
9 October 2022
18 April 1931
1 January 2004
9 September 2004
22 October 1982
1 January 1987
13 December 2004
30 November 2015
1 January 2016
7 June 2023
3 August 1999