In this lively French remake of Humpday, best buds reunite and revive their friendship on a questionable dare. Can two straight guys really make a gay sex film, together?
Asia Argento (Acting)
Yvan Attal (Acting)
Laetitia Casta (Acting)
François Cluzet (Acting)
Charlotte Gainsbourg (Acting)
JoeyStarr (Acting)
Samuel Johde (Acting)
20 October 2010
26 September 2012
25 December 2003
23 September 1994
25 April 2001
16 July 2008
14 March 1975
10 September 1994
25 December 2013
20 September 1964
18 October 2013
15 July 1988
25 December 2008
17 July 2009
11 June 1993
23 June 1994
14 March 1972
7 June 1985
12 December 2008
19 March 1959
3 October 2012