Ba'al travels back in time and prevents the Stargate program from being started. SG-1 must somehow restore history.
Ben Browder (Acting)
Amanda Tapping (Acting)
Christopher Judge (Acting)
Michael Shanks (Acting)
Claudia Black (Acting)
Beau Bridges (Acting)
Richard Dean Anderson (Acting)
Cliff Simon (Acting)
Don S. Davis (Acting)
William Devane (Acting)
Steve Bacic (Acting)
Gary Jones (Acting)
Peter Williams (Acting)
Jacqueline Samuda (Acting)
25 November 1983
6 December 1989
11 March 2008
23 March 1997
26 June 1984
12 September 2014
10 October 2009
13 August 2011
19 January 1979
19 May 1998
10 July 1954
30 March 1985
2 April 1977
24 July 1965
24 September 1977
21 July 2009
9 March 1968
15 February 1964
8 June 2013
10 May 1975
29 July 2008