Ricardo, the milquetoast son of a Mexican bandit, would rather lead a quiet life in Boston. But the family would rather that he follow in his father's footsteps and become "The Kissing Bandit".
Frank Sinatra (Acting)
Kathryn Grayson (Acting)
J. Carrol Naish (Acting)
Mildred Natwick (Acting)
Mikhail Rasumny (Acting)
Billy Gilbert (Acting)
Sono Osato (Acting)
Clinton Sundberg (Acting)
Carleton G. Young (Acting)
Ricardo Montalban (Acting)
Ann Miller (Acting)
Cyd Charisse (Acting)
Edna Skinner (Acting)
Vicente Gómez (Acting)
Sally Forrest (Acting)
Candy Toxton (Acting)
Byron Foulger (Acting)
1 October 2020
29 January 2016
19 November 2020
18 October 2001
26 May 2014
1 September 2005
29 March 2008
27 July 2012
23 April 2016
27 August 2010
28 October 2008
31 October 1999
17 July 1971
1 January 1970
19 September 1969
5 May 2017
4 April 1997
31 December 1932
13 June 2014
14 November 1948