This entry in MGM's "Crime Does Not Pay" series deals with racketeers shaking down small grocers and horning in on the relief tickets, forcing prices up with the consumers paying the freight.
Leslie Fenton (Acting)
Leon Ames (Acting)
George Chandler (Acting)
Byron Foulger (Acting)
Carl Stockdale (Acting)
Phillip Trent (Acting)
23 February 2002
29 October 2007
2 July 2003
2 May 2014
4 March 2016
14 January 2010
6 August 2004
3 March 2000
17 August 2018
17 February 1988
19 April 2007
1 February 2010
7 July 1989
17 November 2010
1 June 2016
23 May 1997
17 January 2018
8 July 2007
10 July 1998
21 January 2011
21 August 1937