The populace of a South Korean island rebels against police brutality. The protesters are labeled as communists, and the army is dispatched.
Hong Sang-pyo (Acting)
Son Yoo-kyung (Acting)
Baek Jong-hwan (Acting)
Uh Sung-wook (Acting)
3 December 2001
7 August 1954
23 September 1994
25 April 2001
29 January 2021
5 June 2014
10 September 1994
14 March 1975
14 March 1972
19 April 1977
16 July 2008
16 February 1957
18 December 2001
23 September 2005
3 October 2018
7 June 1985
19 March 1959
18 October 2019
16 November 2018
15 October 1999
19 January 2013