Three men try to be "masculine" again. A clerck, a Saints Salesman and a "house-husband" pack up and decide to travel... to a bar. This is a movie without words, where the communication happens through the eyes and of some violence too.
João Castro Gomes (Acting)
14 June 2013
25 December 2013
28 September 2019
28 February 2017
15 December 1993
27 April 2016
19 October 2011
10 September 1994
17 October 2006
14 March 1972
17 July 2009
26 August 1953
22 December 1956
3 June 1987
10 October 1963
9 February 1976
12 September 1990
17 September 2002
14 March 2014
21 October 2016
17 November 2012