Unless Darren can survive New York's largest drug mogul, write a paper on Dante's "Inferno," escape three thugs chasing the wrong guy and sell fifty pills of ecstasy to make his tuition payment, he'll never date the girl of his dreams.
Lou Taylor Pucci (Acting)
Kristen Bell (Acting)
John Hensley (Acting)
Nora Zehetner (Acting)
Monica Keena (Acting)
Diora Baird (Acting)
Michael Masini (Acting)
Rachel Boston (Acting)
Jeffrey Nicholas Brown (Acting)
Michael Peña (Acting)
Jane Lynch (Acting)
Curran Connor (Acting)
Chris Johnson (Acting)
John Kapelos (Acting)
Donnell Rawlings (Acting)
Paul Schackman (Acting)
Daniel Spink (Acting)
Eddie Kaye Thomas (Acting)
Ron Yuan (Acting)
John Marshall Jones (Acting)
Jillian Murray (Acting)
30 September 2011
5 September 2007
18 July 2001
17 August 2018
19 July 2017
8 July 2007
20 November 2009
28 July 2016
16 April 2015
15 May 2018
23 May 1980
1 June 2016
25 December 2019
2 July 1980
25 May 2004
5 December 2006
3 October 2018
15 October 2015
14 March 1972
10 November 2016
26 April 2006