Two penniless orphans, Black and White, struggle to survive on the mean streets of Treasure Town. When a megacorporation threatens to tear down the town to build an amusement park, Black and White engage in the fight of their life.
Kazunari Ninomiya (Acting)
Yûsuke Iseya (Acting)
Yu Aoi (Acting)
Kankuro Kudo (Writing)
Min Tanaka (Acting)
Rokuro Naya (Acting)
Tomomichi Nishimura (Acting)
Mugihito (Acting)
Nao Ômori (Acting)
Yoshinori Okada (Acting)
Miyuki Oshima (Acting)
Yūki Tamaki (Acting)
Mayumi Yamaguchi (Acting)
Harumi Asai (Acting)
Toru Nara (Acting)
Masahiro Motoki (Acting)
22 April 2000
14 September 2017
30 September 2022
14 March 2011
10 February 2010
16 May 2020
22 June 2018
12 August 2014
25 February 1998
9 February 2021
27 May 1979
7 December 2014
28 November 2019
28 September 2018
2 January 1987
23 December 1999
12 January 2018
9 July 2015
20 March 2013
1 January 1996
21 October 2006