At house of Agathon get together many intellectuals and philosophers, including Socrates, to discuss the theme of love and sex: each of them intervenes to support its argument dialogical rules, within the context symposial.
Lucas Belvaux (Directing)
Jean Benguigui (Acting)
Irene Papas (Acting)
Philippe Khorsand (Acting)
Renato Cortesi (Acting)
Ugo Tognazzi (Acting)
Roger Van Hool (Acting)
Jean-Pierre Kalfon (Acting)
Farid Chopel (Acting)
Philippe Léotard (Acting)
21 October 1992
5 November 2015
5 June 2010
3 September 2015
26 March 2020
1 April 2022
5 February 1974
10 June 2018
26 April 2007
1 July 1984
4 July 1979
28 January 1998
24 June 2023
6 December 2019
1 September 2022
20 March 1987
27 July 1989