In a post-apocalyptic world, a soldier of fortune enters "The Forbidden Land" to find uranium that will help save mankind. However, a rival adventurer is also after the uranium, but for his own ends.
Bruno Minniti (Acting)
Stelio Candelli (Acting)
Werner Pochath (Acting)
Taida Urruzola (Acting)
Cris Huerta (Acting)
Lola Bayo (Acting)
Ottaviano Dell'Acqua (Acting)
Riccardo Petrazzi (Acting)
2 October 2022
7 October 1961
19 October 1966
13 August 1982
1 October 1963
27 November 1977
19 May 1955
7 January 2021
1 July 2020
29 July 1965
30 September 2020
15 June 2020
5 August 2006
1 August 2003
7 April 2023
3 April 2002
3 August 1990
13 July 2022
27 April 2020
15 November 1990
18 August 1984