The fates of horses, and the people who own and command them, are revealed as Black Beauty narrates the circle of his life.
Alan Cumming (Acting)
Docs Keepin Time (Acting)
Sean Bean (Acting)
David Thewlis (Acting)
Jim Carter (Acting)
Peter Davison (Acting)
Alun Armstrong (Acting)
John McEnery (Acting)
Eleanor Bron (Acting)
Peter Cook (Acting)
Georgina Armstrong (Acting)
Adrian Ross Magenty (Acting)
Anthony Walters (Acting)
Andrew Knott (Acting)
David Ryall (Acting)
Vic Armstrong (Crew)
Vincent Regan (Acting)
Matthew Scurfield (Acting)
Sean Blowers (Acting)
Rupert Penry-Jones (Acting)
Bill Stewart (Acting)
20 December 2019
13 October 2021
12 September 2019
21 March 2013
10 December 2015
13 October 1979
8 December 2015
21 December 1960
7 February 2018
27 December 2007
19 July 1950
15 March 2013
12 October 2010
6 August 1997
22 July 1994
14 September 2011
5 February 2008
21 September 2011
22 October 2009
17 May 1996
29 July 1994