When sea monsters attack Los Angeles, an underground network of sushi chefs honor an ancient code to maintain balance between man and the sea, by killing only what they eat, and eating all that they kill.
Masashi Odate (Acting)
Hidetoshi Imura (Acting)
Steve Howey (Acting)
Gerald Okamura (Acting)
Michael Yama (Acting)
2 June 2012
11 May 2018
31 October 1985
10 February 2011
31 March 1980
13 June 2019
10 June 2020
28 May 2014
13 April 2023
28 November 2015
28 July 1933
10 December 2018
16 July 1999
1 November 2006
3 August 1996
13 April 1986
28 January 2020
17 September 2004
13 September 1988
15 July 1972
16 October 2012