Ken not only has to fight with his brother Wally over the girls, he has to try and stop the conflict between the cattlemen and the sheepmen. It gets worse when Butch kills Judy's father.
Ken Maynard (Acting)
Ruth Hall (Acting)
Josephine Dunn (Acting)
Wallace MacDonald (Acting)
Albert J. Smith (Acting)
Walter Law (Acting)
James Bradbury Jr. (Acting)
Jack Pratt (Acting)
Tarzan (Acting)
10 October 2003
28 June 2017
1 June 1972
6 February 2008
22 March 2010
5 February 2020
2 February 2005
24 May 2019
16 December 1976
4 August 1989
30 May 2003
11 August 2005
1 July 2009
14 June 2019
18 June 1997
17 June 1988
5 October 1990
23 January 2013
14 October 2005
5 December 2008
15 October 1932