Jonah and Ella Mazer are typical teenagers, but strange and frightening things are happening at their new school. They learn that all of their classmates are descendants of witches -- and the two are destined to die.
Booboo Stewart (Acting)
Fivel Stewart (Acting)
Vanessa Angel (Acting)
Cherie Currie (Acting)
Niclas Gillis (Acting)
Zac Goodspeed (Acting)
Judy Norton (Acting)
Tyne Stecklein (Acting)
Eric Roberts (Acting)
Courtney Blythe Turk (Acting)
Kathryn Collins (Acting)
Nils Allen Stewart (Acting)
20 July 2016
24 June 2020
16 September 1932
15 July 2020
11 August 2022
31 July 2019
13 May 2022
5 September 2012
24 September 2007
28 April 2007
26 August 2005
2 June 2009
21 November 2014
27 April 2006
14 October 2003
26 November 2002
16 September 1999
20 May 2016
23 October 2006
2 April 2008
22 January 2013