An office clerk with a hankering to tango enlists the support of a workplace colleague as he prepares for a date. It's Christmas time and the concept of giving assumes fairy tale proportions in this beguiling modern story.
Dirk van Dijck (Acting)
Koen van Impe (Acting)
Mathias Sercu (Acting)
Wannes Cappelle (Acting)
30 November 2019
12 June 2010
5 November 1971
9 August 2013
28 May 2009
25 February 2009
13 November 2021
2 May 2023
10 June 2011
26 August 2018
1 January 1986
13 August 2004
7 December 1994
12 March 2004
1 January 2013
1 June 2006