Two young men, Johann and Robin, take a trip into the countryside. The more they walk the forests of Brandenburg, the stranger their adventure becomes. Bikes disappear, maps prove useless – and each gets to know a new side of the other.
Sebastian Schlecht (Acting)
Eric Golub (Acting)
Iris Minich (Acting)
24 November 2015
14 October 2012
17 May 2018
3 February 2016
10 September 2016
21 December 1993
12 December 2016
17 February 2016
15 November 1950
29 June 1951
10 October 1968
14 October 1994
28 March 1980
7 July 1965
22 November 1985
23 September 2011
24 March 1989
7 February 1952
8 December 1964
22 November 1935
4 June 2009