A group of nurses, doctors and nuns are taken hostage in Vietnam and sent up river to a castle hideout so they can cure an ailing war general.
Dolores Michaels (Acting)
Patricia Owens (Acting)
Neville Brand (Acting)
Ken Scott (Acting)
Nobu McCarthy (Acting)
Benson Fong (Acting)
Nancy Kulp (Acting)
John Morley (Acting)
Shirley Knight (Acting)
Irish McCalla (Acting)
Greta Chi (Acting)
1 August 1961
21 February 2012
15 December 2021
9 January 2004
24 February 2017
30 April 2004
22 December 2021
13 January 2011
1 July 2011
17 May 2006
16 June 2012
28 June 2011
11 June 2011
30 July 2013
28 June 2019
27 September 2022
24 October 2011
25 May 2011
28 July 1951
16 December 1994
23 September 1959