Six London school-leavers attempt to make it in the world, balancing the challenge of trying to make a name for themselves in the music industry against the pressures and tragedies of everyday life.
Steve John Shepherd (Acting)
Alec Newman (Acting)
Chiwetel Ejiofor (Acting)
Anjela Lauren Smith (Acting)
Melanie Gutteridge (Acting)
Georgia Mackenzie (Acting)
Alicya Eyo (Acting)
Alun Armstrong (Acting)
Karl Collins (Acting)
Robbie Gee (Acting)
Ray Stevenson (Acting)
Joe Duttine (Acting)
Perry Fenwick (Acting)
Trevor Byfield (Acting)
Geoffrey Beevers (Acting)
Charles De'Ath (Acting)
Debbi Blythe (Acting)
George Sweeney (Acting)
Roger Griffiths (Acting)
David Gant (Acting)
Ene Frost (Acting)
Paul Ritter (Acting)
12 May 2006
8 March 2012
25 May 1983
16 July 2008
18 December 2001
18 October 2013
30 May 2019
23 September 1994
5 November 2014
1 October 2019
10 September 1994
25 December 2008
25 April 2001
17 December 2003
1 May 2007
15 November 2013
25 December 2013
18 December 2013
19 July 2023
29 January 2021
1 October 1999