Max Fleischer draws Koko and a haunted house, while his colleague and the janitor mess around with a Ouija board. When Max goes over to take a look, Koko is haunted by ghosts and inanimate objects, and escapes into the real-world studio.
Dave Fleischer (Directing)
Max Fleischer (Production)
31 October 2014
15 May 1936
1 February 2014
30 November 1963
17 April 2004
14 November 1993
3 May 2006
3 September 2017
30 October 1937
11 August 1995
15 February 2017
15 August 2011
30 April 2015
1 January 2006
9 November 2018
17 October 2022
16 February 1933
8 January 1992
27 June 2006
1 January 1999
4 July 1920