One hundred years after the Battle of Milk River, both sides agree to reenact it. The cavalry are supposed to shoot blanks & the Indians weren't supposed to fight back....
Kevin Dillon (Acting)
Billy Wirth (Acting)
Tim Sampson (Acting)
Jerry Hardin (Acting)
R. D. Call (Acting)
Jimmie Ray Weeks (Acting)
Peggy Lipton (Acting)
Tantoo Cardinal (Acting)
Rodney A. Grant (Acting)
Kevyn Major Howard (Acting)
William Frankfather (Acting)
M. Emmet Walsh (Acting)
Dennis Banks (Acting)
Saginaw Grant (Acting)
17 March 1989
30 October 1987
2 December 2010
17 October 2006
23 September 1994
10 September 1994
5 October 2001
9 February 2016
23 June 1994
19 June 2013
5 November 2014
28 September 2019
1 October 2019
17 June 2015
14 May 2014
10 April 1957
30 May 2019
7 September 2016
8 March 1996
12 June 1981
15 September 1988