Three filmmakers direct three different horror stories and the only thing they have in common is all the supernatural events occur at three in the morning.
Focus Jirakul (Acting)
Apinya Sakuljaroensuk (Acting)
Vivid Bavornkiratikajorn (Acting)
Theerachai Wimolchaireuk (Acting)
Karnklao Duaysienklao (Acting)
Peter Knight (Acting)
Vasana Chalakorn (Acting)
Shahkrit Yamnarm (Acting)
Ray MacDonald (Acting)
Prachakorn Piyasakulkaew (Acting)
7 December 1994
19 March 1972
23 November 2020
25 February 2017
14 October 2016
30 March 1961
16 September 2021
18 October 2018
20 May 1998
25 September 2016
28 July 2018
27 March 1975
23 October 1968
5 January 2016
16 July 2011
1 January 1920
12 October 2015
21 November 2012