The wife of brilliant, but boisterous and ill-tempered conductor of the London Symphony puts up with his childishness, but the last straw is drawn when he begins an affair with a young pianist.
Yul Brynner (Acting)
Kay Kendall (Acting)
Geoffrey Toone (Acting)
Mervyn Johns (Acting)
Martin Benson (Acting)
Gregory Ratoff (Acting)
Shirley Anne Field (Acting)
Colin Drake (Acting)
Andrew Faulds (Acting)
26 July 1961
31 October 1999
1 January 2009
1 April 1944
4 July 1962
18 October 1974
23 April 1931
1 June 1970
7 March 1986
3 September 1980
13 September 1949
3 October 1955
19 August 1946
1 October 1951
3 September 1952
1 October 1923
27 January 1984
27 August 1947
17 July 2004
7 October 1976
11 February 1960