When the freshman girls beat the sophomore girls in the big relay race, the 'Frosh' start lording it over the 'Sophs.' Will the 'Sophs' take that kind of treatment? Not a chance!
George J. Lewis (Acting)
Dorothy Gulliver (Acting)
Eddie Phillips (Acting)
Churchill Ross (Acting)
Hayden Stevenson (Acting)
Sally Blane (Acting)
Andy Devine (Acting)
Sumner Getchell (Acting)
Robert Livingston (Acting)
15 April 2019
15 December 2012
21 February 2021
27 July 2011
25 March 1994
2 April 2009
2 October 2001
4 March 2016
1 September 2007
12 December 2012
1 December 1956
27 October 2009
19 January 2012
19 April 2009
6 January 2020
24 January 1970
25 October 2006
31 May 2004
11 February 2021
23 June 2011
30 January 1927