Four guys from the city head to the small town of Almelund to investigate some recent murders that many locals believe may be linked to the numerous Sasquatch sightings in the area. Starring members of the band Man From Fiery Hill.
Jared King (Writing)
Matthew Feeney (Acting)
31 October 2014
15 May 1936
1 February 2014
30 November 1963
17 April 2004
14 November 1993
3 May 2006
3 September 2017
30 October 1937
11 August 1995
15 February 2017
15 August 2011
4 July 1920
30 April 2015
1 January 2006
9 November 2018
17 October 2022
16 February 1933
8 January 1992
27 June 2006
1 September 2004