In this latter day Cain and Abel story, a jealous brother strikes down his sibling just as a young burglar is about to enter the house. The jealous brother summons police, who then charge the intruder with murder.
Lionel Barrymore (Acting)
Henry B. Walthall (Acting)
Robert Harron (Acting)
Harry Carey (Acting)
Adolph Lestina (Acting)
Lillian Gish (Acting)
Dorothy Gish (Acting)
13 November 1952
7 March 1996
2 May 2003
1 June 2007
19 June 1997
24 November 1997
16 April 2014
7 October 2009
26 October 2013
2 January 2004
2 April 2010
7 October 2000
18 July 2001
24 October 1998
14 March 2006
18 December 2024
9 April 2009
20 May 2009
10 June 2004
6 November 2001
16 December 1912